Thank you, BG. It seems that Pri is completely unable to do any research of his own, while expecting others to spoon-feed him every single fact and detail.
Pri, not only are you the king of ad hominem attacks on this site, you have a reputation of misquoting and twisting other people’s words into something they’ve never said — often twisting them into the exact opposite of what they’ve said. You regularly use the quote feature and fill in other people’s quotes with words that are entirely yours, and yours alone.
Many Piggs have simply stopped engaging with you because you so regularly misquote and misrepresent what they are saying.
You are the #1 resident troll here (congratulations, you’re #1!). I’ve not blocked you because I want to know what everyone is saying. As I’ve stated before, even a troll can make a valuable contribution every once in awhile. But you bring trolling to a totally different level.
Edited to add: Here is the definition of “displace.” Perhaps your wife should buy you a dictionary for your next birthday since you always seem to have a problem with definitions and reading comprehension.