In the past I’ve always enjoyed your posts. Your writing has always been original, often witty, and sometimes downright funny. But this post… well, let’s say it’s just not up to your standards. Let’s take a look at what you wrote:
[quote=temeculaguy]But alas, the site is awash in liberal drivel, socialism, politics and trump derangement syndrome. What the hell happened? This place was the “red pill” to the main stream media circa 2006 and look at it now. To quote Bunk from the Wire “Makes me sick how far we done fell”
So when does piggington become a forum for the economic punk rockers again, those who would never listen to the main stream media and want to beat the sheeple and the system. Or will it remain a place democratic socialists go when the Rachael Maddow show has a guest host?
So what is it you’d like to see discussed? Non-main stream economic topics? The only thing that I can think of that fits that bill is Modern Monetary Theory and how it is being used (abused?) by some to justify things it doesn’t justify. But the writing between the lines of your post leads me to think that any discussion of MMT would be dismissed by you as crazy socialist crap. The rantings of immature liberals who haven’t got a clue.
Perhaps you’d like to discuss how we need to curb deficits and restore some financial responsibility to our government. But that’s hardly non-main stream, so presumably not.
Maybe you’d like to talk about housing. Certainly we can agree that’s a good topic. The problem is there isn’t much to say. Housing prices continue to go up. (Maybe slowing their pace a bit now, but meh.. not very controversial there.) So, what would we discuss?
[quote=temeculaguy]I’ve also seen the treatment of some old friends by the rabid progressives and have been tempted to intervene, but wisdom prevents me from doing so because they need to age out of it. As the old saying goes, “if you are not a socialist by 20 you have no heart but if you are not a conservative by 40 you have no brain.” They need to age out of it and I will not convince them otherwise, however at some point someone has to declare “adult swim, everyone under 18, out of the pool.” Plus I hate politics and despise both sides and never put that much faith in another human.
BTW interesting history about that socialist quote,
there’s debate about who said it and what they said, but any of those credited and any of the versions still make the point.[/quote]
I first heard a variation of this quote when I was in my early 20s. (Maybe even high school) And yes, I admit it, I was pretty liberal at that time. At the time I found the quote condescending. Then when I was in my 40s, registered as a Republican, and a small business owner, it seemed to make sense. But now that I’m in my 60s, it just seems like another platitude we tell ourselves to reassure ourselves that we are right.
Pehaps there should be a third part to this quote? Seems to me that it’s really saying, if you don’t have a sense of compassion when your 20 your an ass, if you haven’t had that sense of compassion beat out of you by the time your 40, you’re a slow learner. But is losing any sense of compassion for others a good thing? Given that rewording maybe the third part should be, if you don’t regain your sense of compassion by the time you are 60 you aren’t trying.
Perhaps the topic worth discussion is: As we change going through life is it a line going from idealistic youth to cynical middle age to angry old person, or is it a circle from idealist to conservative and then back to optimistic? Or maybe some other variation? And why do some people seem to follow the path to anger and some don’t? Do we pick our path, or is our fate predestined? And what does your path say about the person you are?
Or maybe that’s just a bunch of touchy feely liberal crap. You call it.