honest is not harsh. The guy gets boring and repetitive, and he does have a cult following of people who believe all that he says. I was just pointing out that is fall from grace was more recient than his original youtube posts. Right about the time he started to try to make this a buisness, he started to reduce his bowl movements and fill up.
I also had to point out the arrows, the guy seems to love them. “look, there is more than last month, so it is going up, up to the moon I say!”
Sorry, I had a boss screw me once with an arrow on a graph, and being screwed by an arrow was every bit as painful as it sounds. 🙂 I am alittle touchy about it I guess. Maybe I should go restock up on KY or something, you know help out the economy alittle. Wouldnt want to be the slow bufflo cause of arrow chaffing.