Have a great trip, TG. You will probably find deep meanings from your trip as one of the first to see the monument. Many people probably want to be there but can’t.
I would also like to share with you what’s on my mind as a patriotic American. And maybe, when you are at the monument or have some free time, think about it:
Can we yet avoid another 9/11 for America?
And while everybody probably will tell me that we have improved our security, I am not talking about that 9/11 that patriotic Americans are still talking about.
I am talking about the fact that in the last 2 months, 3 American Solar energy companies filed for bankruptcy, representing 1/5 of the solar panel manufacturing capacity in the United States.
To me, that’s is 9/11 for America. It is probably the first significant sign that the solar energy century will be owned not by us. Due to various reasons, these US companies can’t compete to survive and they will carry down with them the hope for a vibrant key technology/industry in the US.
Will we have more of these invisible 9/11 ? Where will the monument be if not the unemployment lines for our kids and grand kids in the future ?