TG: I’m quietly becoming a 49ers fan. Being an ex-linebacker myself, I’ve always loved Singletary’s intensity and devotion to the game and it shows in the way that team is playing right now. Shaun Hill? Are you kidding me? That’s all Singletary there, getting this QB to play like that.
Kiffin is going to Tennessee with his dad (Monte, the D Coordinator from the Bucs) and I think that combination is going to be wicked, especially when the Tampa Two D takes hold. I guarantee that defense is going to sweep through the NCAA.
I’m hoping that Davis is recognizing how truly bad he’s made things in Oakland. A buddy’s brother works for the organization and there are supposedly significant changes on the way, and largely driven by fan discontent. If Goodell steps in at Detroit and agitates for change with the Ford family, I think Davis might change his tune. Of course, pigs might also take wing.
Yeah, the Lakers not only beating the Celts, but ending that win streak… good stuff. I hate every single east coast team, including all the NYC, Philly and Boston programs. California is where it’s at, baby!