[quote=temeculaguy]Morally corrupt?? So the world used to be better? By my calculations, almost the entire history of mankind was far more morally corrupt than it is today. Slavery existed in most parts of the globe, not just in this country and not just blacks, people all over the world, entire cultures and races were enslaved, how does that stack up morally vs. the supposed decay we have today. How about the routine genocide, raping and pillaging that went on for centuries, were those the good ole days? The only countries that practice God’s law today, where religion supercedes the will of the people, are mostly islamic countries and they can be the most repressive, but they read a different book so you can dismiss them.
I all for your right to believe what you want, I know my words wont change your opinion but you have to realize that for most of us, religious texts aren’t to be taken literally. They were verbally handed down for generations, modified for political and economic reasons over time and sometimes were in another language that doesn’t always translate well enough to use as a legal argument. I’m gonna die one day, probably within a few decades and I am so excited to finally figure it all out. I’ll wager a beer in heaven that the number of commandments was not ten, somebody took one out or slipped one in, I just know it (Don’t be dick to waiters was probably number 11, but that’s another topic). I just love talking to the guys that doorknock on Saturday mornings cause their version of the rules says god’s law forbids certain celebrations. I always argue that one with them, I’m nice, I tell them they are good people but I think somebody was in a bad mood and edited their book long ago. Why would god hate valentines day? I hate the taste of those little chalk flavored hearts as much as the next guy, but it’s just fun to show affection and to teach kids to give a card to all the girls, it’s your earliest exposure to net fishing. Birthday’s, who doesn’t like cake and ice cream and singing songs, why does hate that? My god is cool with that, my god prefers that to telling people they are wrong for feeling the way they do even when they don’t hurt anyone else in the process. I’m gonna miss football and basketball, I’ll probably miss porn (can’t imagine any god allows internet porn which is why I’m getting my quota in now) but what i wont miss is people telling me what god says, I really think it will be awesome to get into a religious argument and just say, “whatever, let’s just call him, I’ve got his cell phone number.”[/quote]
TG–you are the best! Love this. Thanks.