[quote=temeculaguy]Let me preface this by saying that I think all politicians are equally worthless and no political party lines up with my way of thinking.
But to answer the question, if the economy is in better shape or appears to be heading that way at the time of the election, I don’t think it matters. Those of us in the middle, those that never give money or our time to either party are going to re-elect Obama. Since I could first vote and cast my ballot for Reagan, I’ve voted for the eventual winner in every election since with the exception of the time I voted for Perot. Which means I am in that chunk of people who hate republicans and democrats, choose the lesser of two evils at each fork in the road and usually swing the election. I’m happy with Obama, unless he screws up something that real people care about, not political junkies, he will win again.
This is unless a modern version of Perot comes out of the woodwork, then I can be swayed.
I’d like to see a hybrid politician, we have hybrid everything else, why can’t we have someone who takes the good parts from each side. Here’s my list in case any piggs are debating throwing their hat in the ring and being that next independant you can’t ignore. Keep in mind, you only need about 70% of it for me to get fired up.
1. Pro Abortion, in fact free.
2. Free health care, free dental, free braces, free cosmetic sugery (think about it, wouldn’t you want to live in a world where not only is everyone healthy, but they are nice to look at and feel good about themselves).
3. No malpractice law suits, in fact no punitive damages for anything, make people whole and punish wrongdoers but not with other peoples money.This will make #2 easier to accomplish.
4. Pro gay marriage-who cares, why should only straight men lose their house when they get divorced, equal rights and equal suffering, welcome to the club boys, your free pass has expired. On a serious note, don’t ever tell anyone they aren’t as good, it’s bad manners, were all the same. We are all flawed.
5. Tighten the shit out of the borders, make learning english a requirement to immigrate. If you really want in and are willing to learn the language, cmon in, we’ll make room for you. I learned spanish just because spanish language soap operas are practically porn, they can watch the kardashians, I don’t care.
6. Emiminate welfare, even for those mildly disabled. Look, Highway 15 has been under construction for 10 years, there are about 50 people working on it yet hundreds of thousands get free money. We will pay you double what welfare is, grab a shovel. If you cant stand up, you can hand out water, we will find something for you to do. I want to see thousands of people working on public projects, building schools, roads, hell I’m good with a hundred extreme home makeover projects going on at the same time, everybody can do something, lets let them.
7. Tax churches, admit it, it’s a business and there’s 2000 years of evidence proving it’s more evil than any chemical or weapons company.
8. College is free
9. Finally, and most importantly, eliminate all foriegn aid and all foriegn peacekeeping in the middle east. Private humanitarian aid is fine, all the other aid ends up in the wrong hands anyways. We got our revenge, now it’s time to pack up and not go back. It doesn’t matter who is in charge of what country, they will sell us oil or someone else will, let them fight it out. Our mettling makes us a lightening rod, and even when our intentions are good, it comes back to bite us. We have almost as many soldiers in japan and germany than we do in afganistan and iraq, everybody come home and everybody fend for yourself. Well maybe the UK and Canada, if anyone picks on them we can intervene, but screw the rest, we have our own things to worry about. When is the last time a french person thanked you for saving their country? The next time they are in trouble we can just say that we spent all our money on free breast implants, call back later. I’m cool with a strong military, but if someone attacks us, let’s kick their ass and leave, why do we have to stay and fix them? Just because it worked in Europe 70 years ago doesn’t mean it will work elsewhere. Nobody hates sweeden, when did they save the world?[/quote]
And agree w/your clarification of immigrants.
Can we write your name in?
Yes, Perry is great for creating jobs if what you want are minimum wage jobs with no health insurance coverage.[/quote]
At this point, any job will do for many people. He could get a lot of votes for that reason alone.