[quote=temeculaguy]It’s almost poetic to see this debate play out, let’s just agree neither of you will convince the other, when it comes to one’s chosen lifestyle, I think we all land where we want/should be. [/quote]
I agree with many of your comments, but not this one. I think most people land where SOCIETY wants them to be because the pressure to conform is immense, especially as we are social creatures. Some people, however, figure this out and self-correct at some point. Most people, however, are so busy juggling the various responsibilities and obligations in their lives (doing what they’re “supposed” to be doing according to society) that they never take the time to sit down and figure out exactly what’s going to make them truly content (and, vice versa, what’s going to make them miserable). Which is why so many folks are unsatisfied with their lot in life.
[quote=temeculaguy]With regards to gramps advice, in all three cases, leasing or borrowing are better options than rentals. All three have potential safety risks, the rentals can be overly used and poorly maintained.[/quote]
Gramps lumped renting, leasing and borrowing into “rent it.” It makes the phrasing catchier. The point was not to own these things.