[quote=temeculaguy]I’m all for it, we need this! Everyone should have to be part of the DNA database. Personally I feel all the recipients of my body fluids have been fairly happy with the experience, i hope they even bragged about it. I never left my DNA on a rape victim or child molest victim, so I am cool with submitting my sample. For everyone who opposes submitting a sample, tell me your feelings about privacy after someone you love is raped, molested or killed and the DNA lab results come back “not on file.”
Is your thumbprint on file? it is if you have a driver’s license. Why do law abiding people fear the government’s ability to solve crime. You are more likely to benefit from the solving of a crime (especially one where DNA is involved because it’s probably sexual) than you are to be arrested for such a crime. You are in the potential victim category, not the potential suspect category, it makes no sense to oppose it. Now the NAMBLA crowd has a reason to protest this, not you.[/quote]
Because it can be abused. Because it is a slippery slope from “we’re doing this to help you” to being able to track your every step and every thought (we’re already too close now, IMHO).
I’m adamantly anti-crime and anti-criminal, and totally understand the desire to have the DNA samples of violent criminals in a database, but I have a serious problem with law-abiding people (a classification that, in itself, is not entirely well-defined and can change too easily if the wrong people get into power) being subjected to tests and procedures that make it easier for the government to track them in any way.