But I’m with Eugene, the worst probably behind us or we are in the midst of it, football season starts tomorrow, then it leads to basketball season, by the time the nba finals are over next year, I hope you got all the doom and gloom presents you wanted for christmas because this pity party will be over. I do not believe we will have massive prosperity, things take time, they resonate in the back of people’s mind, spending will not return to 2005 levels until people start to forget. The real question is, where will the next bubble be? Where will the next technology explosion be? Will we get those 200 mpg equivalent cars? Will macrolane be approved by the FDA so women can get a J-lo butt or a boob job with just a shot and it wears off in a year or two, that might be the next bubble, pun intended.[/quote]
TG, I hope you are right. You are a glass 3/4 full sort of guy, which is a great characteristic to have. I just see things a bit different with the global economy right now and I believe we are far from a recovery. We still have so much crap that has yet to hit the fan, I just don’t know how it’s possible to foresee a recovery so soon.
I hope I revisit this post one day and say “That TG guy was a smart man”. My thoughts on Eugene won’t change :). I would much prefer to be proved wrong than right!!!