Temecula is in Riverside County and is an exurb of Riverside, the county seat. It is 40+ miles from major job centers in Riverside (its own county), 40-60 miles from SD County job centers, 35-55 miles from Orange County job centers, 40-65 miles from LA County job centers and 50+ miles to San Bernardino County (not sure if any major “job centers” exist in SanBern Co).
It would be considered beyond an outer ring exurb as FIH described Houston, TX today on the “Code Compliance” thread. Hence, it’s lower prices for housing (offset by MR, of course). I’m not saying that Temecula has an inferior lifestyle. I’m just saying that you pay for what you get in this life. For worker bees who need to make living wages, it can be a huge sacrifice of time, gas and vehicle wear and tear to live in that region of the IE and thus it is not for everyone because time with your family is something you can never get back.