[quote=teatsonabull]Feeling “hopeless in these zip codes”…
Here’s something to be “hopeful” about…there are SO many desirable zip codes in this country where the cost of living is extremely reasonable when compared to SoCal. We have been seriously discussing bugging out of this state for a couple years now…sure, our kids would miss their friends, we would miss the natural beauty of California, and we would have to adjust to less “perfect” weather, but those would be the ONLY things we would miss. By and large, this region is devoid of any intelligent life forms and will certainly never again be anything other than a shadow of it’s former self, with respect to it’s promise of a bright future.[/quote]
I think this is a growing trend. My wife and I have been discussing the very same thing. I’ve been looking at somewhere in the middle for quite some time.
I have a friend that left SoCal last year. He and his family returned to Nebraska. I hear from him from him from time to time. The whole family is much happier. In fact, they are able to no only get by but, prosper on only his income. His wife is now a stay at home mom.
Funny, his favorite saying was also, “keep your powder dry”.