CAR, I respectfully disagree. I know of at least one person (myself) who would accept to be the recipient of less benefits from the government, for the greater good.
Incidentally, I would accept modest, justified tax increases, too.
What makes me willing to do this is the fact that I believe wholeheartedly all the rhetoric about “mortgaging our children’s future” with all the huge deficits and unfunded future liabilities (of public pensions, medicare, etc.)
I would hope that more considerate discussion of the cost/benefits of government (and less digression to hyped up political talking points) might convince others to accept these realities (or “sarcrifices”, or “responsibilities”, or whatever you want to call them), too.
I can dream, right…?
tb ;-)[/quote]
I agree with you, but didn’t think you were “anti-govt” in the first place. Those of us who tend toward a more “socialistic” approach seem to be the ones who are willing to sacrifice for the greater good (no surprise there, I suppose).
That being said, the “anti-govt” types are all too often the ones who support foreign wars/a strong military force, effective law enforcement (local and national), want full SS and Medicare benefits, want all the infrastructure and services that are provided by our govt, but don’t want to pay any taxes. Granny wants to call 911 and have the cops, firefighters, or paramedics there within minutes — and wants Medicare to cover her resulting bills, but doesn’t want to pay taxes for it. This is what I find so ironic.