nearby Aliso Viejo is perhaps $250-$300/sqft vs $200/sqft in Laguna Woods.
Let’s say $300/sqft in AV for a 1000 sqft condo, that’s $300k along with $250/month HOA. with 50k down and the rest at 3%, you’ll be looking at $1300/month for mortgage + HOA.
LW would be $200k for the same condo, 50k down, you’ll be looking at $630/month but $600/month HOA. So you’ll be looking at $1230/month for mortgage + HOA.
So you save $70 by going with LW.
But AV condos are all from the ’90 to 2000 whereas LW condos are from the 60’s.
LW condos have zero insulation. which means lots of AC time in the summer and lots of heater time in the winter.
people chose LW because of the clubs and the services like the shuttle that’s included in the HOA that takes you to the big box stores and the buffet outside of the gates. it is good for a certain set of folks.