“October 31, 2008 by PUMA Pundit
99% of Democrats support Obama right? Wrong. Take a look at this snippet coming out of Florida:
Democrats are beaming that their party is outperforming the Republicans in early voting, releasing numbers Wednesday that show registrants of their party ahead 54 percent to 30 percent among the 1.4 million voters who have gone to the polls early.
but guess what the same article goes on to state?
A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll gave McCain a 49-45 lead over Democrat Barack Obama among Floridians who have already voted.
So Obama has a 6.4% advantage in turnout , yet is losing by 4%. Who could these democrats who are not voting for Obama possibly be?
Hmmm. Does the word “PUMA” ring a bell?e
If I say “PUMA” you say “Pounce”… PUMA… Pounce… PUMA… Pounce!”