Sigh…where do I begin???
I would begin by making your posts shorter, more succinct and to the point.
Instead of rambling manifestos on Phasters Theory On Everything.
WRT OP (i.e. Reasons I cannot vote for Trump)
trump = dumbshit-narcissist
so wondering if anyone else here knows that the region around California has a long history of drought(s) and that the period around the 1910’s – 1920’s (when the treaty of the colorado “river” compact was studied/signed) was an abnormally wet period (WRT the long term historical “climate” record)
Yes and I have mentioned this to people often. They look at me like I’m from Mars and must be saying that because I’m an ultra-conservative looking to deny man-made global warming.
But what you say is exactly right – and the last 100 years have been abnormally wet, actually, so it makes sense that things are going to return to normal.
Finally – there is not water shortage. 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, for Christ’s sake. What is becoming more scarce is cheap access to potable water. We could take water from that ocean to our heart’s content – as long as we are willing to pay for desalinization.