[quote=svelte][quote=paramount]There was a great article in the New York times about the growing denial of reality.
For example, there is a mindset that the gender you identify with is what you are. You’re female if somehow you identify with the female gender as an example (ie Caitlyn).
Yeah I totally don’t get it either.
Gay rights, I’m all for. But this ‘T’ stuff that’s trying to tag along for the ride, I’m not buying.
If the person’s DNA says they are a male, they are a male. There’s no debate as to which bathroom or locker room they use, it is clear cut – no matter what clothes or makeup they choose to put on the outside of that DNA.[/quote]
So you’re saying these “Men” in the picture (from Wikipedia article on androgen insensitivity) should use the Mens restroom and wear Men’s clothes because they are genetically men, even though they have the body and genitalia of females. [img_assist|nid=25711|title=AI|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=56]