Now, was this an unexpected consequence that Obama had not considered, or an ultra-sly attempt to start a confrontation to ensure Hispanics turn out en massed to vote Democratic in the 2014 elections?
I am leaning towards the ultra-sly theory myself. And the Murrieta protestors are playing right into his hands….right smack into Obama’s plan…
Witness the other side that came out to counterprotest.
And I agree with scaredy. The original protesters showed enormous lack of class. Sometimes we forget that we are a nation of immigrants.
And before anyone stands on the “but they are illegal” dogma, well I would be more sympathetic to that argument if Boehner would let immigration reform come up for a vote. But by blocking reform, all goodwill I have for the “illegal” argument evaporates.[/quote]
I am leaning towards the ultra-sly theory as well. It could be that part of the plan was to incite race wars, and from what I can tell the plan seems to be working pretty well.
As far as being a nation of immigrants, to an extent that’s true but I would guess that most in the US are not immigrants.
We are supposed to be a nation of borders and laws; unless of course those laws and borders stand in the way of political ambition.