Up until the Chinese virus hit us, the economy was roaring ahead, clearly outpacing the GNP growth rates of the Obama
lol, so you choose to completely ignore the hard numbers I posted and resort to generalizations.
Here are the numbers from the US and IMF:
2009 – -2.54
2010 – 2.56
2011 – 1.55
2012 – 2.25
2013 – 1.84
2014 – 2.53
2015 – 2.91
2016 – 1.64
You chose to ignore that and instead posted a generalization and excused Trump’s performance. Funny you didn’t make any allowances for Obama’s.
I would submit that the first year of a president’s term was based on the prior president, so it would all be shifted a year which would give Obama 2.2 and Trump 1.02
Not exactly a stellar story!
And yes we can blame Trump for this year – his floundering on a pandemic response and outright lies land this firmly in his lap. You know, the buck stops here thing? Only Trump doesn’t take responsibility for anything. Unless it’s positive, then he’ll take credit whether he did it or not.[/quote]
It is interesting that you include 2020 in your numbers. What is Trump’s average if you took his first three years compared to Obama’s eight years?
Thanks for making my point.