But on the Republican side I still can’t imagine a scenario my brain is comfortable with.
– Trump? It just boggles my mind that he would be the candidate.
– Cruz or Rubio? Can’t see how they would get more delegates than Trump at this point
– Cruz/Rubio ticket? Only combo that could beat Trump, methinks, but I’m not sure I see them teaming either
– Romney? Come on. Far fetched. And I think there would be pandemonium in the party as Trump supporters turned all the tables in the room over.
Whatever happens on the Republican side it is going to be surreal.[/quote]
At this point only Trump has a legitimately clear shot at getting enough delegates to walk into the convention as the nominee. Cruz mathematically could still swing it, but he’d need to start building momentum in states that aren’t necessarily heavy in his core supporters.
So really, there are two likely outcomes: Trump is the nominee before the convention, or there is a contested convention where all Hell could break loose.