My 18+ yo vehicle doesn’t have any fancy tom-toms or NAV systems. I have a bunch of paper road maps but the places I usually travel to I have been to dozens of times so don’t need road maps, unless I am in an unfamiliar city.
For south county, metro SD and most of east county (SD), I envision street routes and landmarks in my head, so don’t really need them anymore, except for *newer* neighborhood detail.
Thomas Guides are fascinating to compare to one another over the years … to see how Big Development has managed to (insidiously and completely) decimate every available hilltop in this county (buried ordinance, pesticides and radon be damned).
We all have our elected officials to thank for continuous gridlock and 1+ hour commutes. The gridlock even exists within the urban core as those suburban and exurban commuters have to go thru it to and from work.
Urban sprawl affects EVERY urban county dweller’s quality of life, no matter WHERE they live and is VERY detrimental to quality of life of county residents and also the environment :={