Surveyor – there is inherent waste in government… absolutely agree with you. With higher taxes we could start retiring the debt and have programs to make the country not just a vehicle for the wealthier getting wealthier. I don’t agree that giving money to the government is wasteful, just that it is inefficient.
CEO’s and upper management fly private jets (citing security issues – yes, I’m sure that the people who sell seeds at ADM should worry that terrorists are waiting for them in the first class lounge)… They are thieves.
People around La Jolla need the extra Ferrari, Masarati, ect. Far better that they have some toys then kids in the inner city getting job training.
I know that you will all accuse me of being a bleeding heart liberal. I am a liberal and proud of it. I’m not a bleeding heart, I’m a business person. We paid lots of money for training for our employees, and every dollar we paid came back to us 3 fold. Set up job corps, set up training, give kids after school programs and teacher assistants, and start up jobs… and crack sales and robberies will go down. Thats not liberalism, it’s just good business. Increase taxes on the wealthy – we are becoming a third world country in the gap between rich and poor. Our middle class is shrinking and under pressure, and all ALL the money is flowing to the top.
I had a summer job for the guy who made the most money in the US last year (Jim Simons). I made 4$/hour (back in the 70’s), he made a billion and a half salary last year. I don’t begrudge it – quite the opposite! But take the hedge fund profits, the oil profits, etc. and apply reasonable but normal taxes to them – instead of letting them write the legislation in DC with their lobbyists.