Surveyor – If the government would step in and do the job training thats great. You talked about my model. My model was for hiring people who were already in the job market, were middle class, and we tweaked their training.
I’m not the government. I don’t hire people from the streets and teach them how to behave in the business world. I don’t teach them job skills. If you don’t spend the money on the infrastructure, then you have a breakdown. We are in breakdown.
You made some reasonable statements that government doesn’t do the job as well as business which has competition and profit pressure. Problem is that business only goes where the easy money is, it doesn’t take on fixing societies ills. That’s governments job. The current administration has the morals of a pit viper. They have squandered our credibility in the world, our money to those who don’t need it, and brought forward a religious agenda which is not just immoral but embarrassing in a modern society.
So the answer isn’t to let government to leave us alone, the answer is to call on government when no one else will step up to the plate.
And jg… What are you talking about? Do you really feel that this administration is anything other than corrupt and morally reprehensible? What statements?