Sure, you can choose to do whatever you want. Do realize that you are disclosing intimate details about yourself to all kinds of people when you disclose these details to friends. They will often mention “a friend” (or even use your name) when telling a story that relates to something another person is saying. Most of the time, people don’t mean any harm when they do this; they’re just relating to others and using stories the’re familiar with in order to bond with one another and help each other out with various issues.
Your previous girlfriend sent you an email after six months…so what? Just have a chuckle (or see if she might have had a point) and delete it. It’s just not that big of a deal, IMO.
I’m just throwing in my two cents here — hoping to be helpful — not trying to offend you or anything. I wish you the very best in this situation, and in whatever relationships you have in the future.
Also, regarding that move to Atlanta, I’m going to fourth (or fifth) the suggestion that you try the Bay Area. It’s an awesome place, and there are so many opportunities there for tech types. Not as fond of Atlanta.