Sure, I’ll bite. Be more specific on what you mean by the ‘inside’, you want tales of sex and sleaze? Closest I got to the sexy was a well endowed title rep hanging her chest over my shoulder while she was trying to explain a title issue that I pulled up on my laptop.
Ethical environment, depends. Good and bad, anything that entails making a bunch of money over a very short period of time is going to attract all types of characters, but you already knew that. I’m clean, don’t need a soul cleansing. I’m on good terms with my God and contrary to what many might think, he’s not the one with a pitchfork.
Thanks in advance, but Piggingtons isn’t a place I really care about judgment. Does nothing for me personally, but gives me a place to chuck my 2 cents and a chuckle sometimes. Courage, I don’t have any of that if it’s defined as facing a particular situation not with the absence of fear but acknowledging it and moving ahead, this place is not where I test my metal.