Submitted by stansd on October 7, 2008 – 8:49pm.
CA renter…what kind of argument is that?
First throw out a false choice of being uber wealthy versus being a gardner, and then conclude with, “I’m going to have to agree with myself on this one.”
Fair enough. Let’s start a sign-up page where those who fear being taxed 50%+ can volunteer for another job (doesn’t have to be gardening) that would lower their income enough to be taxed at a lower rate — just like the bottom 50% of working people who they constantly complain about. They think the lower-income people are getting a better deal, right? So they should jump at the chance to get that better deal…right????
Would that work for you? How many people do you think would sign up? Would they finally stop bitching when they get these lower-paying/lower tax rate jobs?