If you don’t humble yourself, the market will do it for you…
Making quick profits (or losses) in an extremely volatile markets is easy by definition. You appear to be euphoric and emotional in your trading which is something you definitely want to avoid.
You really need to define your risk, especially if your holding positions overnight. Trading 2x ETF’s exposes you to even greater risk. I commend you for considering stop loss orders to define your risk, but if the rallies/fades becomes less directional, or you pick the wrong entry point, the extreme volatility will cause you to get stopped out for continual 1% losses, sometimes within minutes. Using options to define risk with the VXO & VIX at record levels may not be the best choice as the premiums as well as spreads are huge.
As for other posters reading these threads, ALWAYS use your own judgment before making a trade and weigh the risks thoroughly.