[quote=ssr123]Wow..thank you all for the information/suggestions. The reason for considering carmel valley or 4s Ranch is the proximity to one of our work places. I also looked at sorrento valley (not many houses) and university city (lots of condos and not many houses). . . [/quote]
ss123, there are thousands of single family homes in University City 92122 (UC), there is NO Mello-Roos there are few HOA’s encumbering single family residences (SFRs) there. In a previous post on this thread, UCGal told you of educational opportunities in UC. Her children are elementary school age. I will post 3 listings in your price range here.
You’re welcome about the Mello-Roos. I believe potential buyers from out of town should always be aware of what their entire monthly obligation would be, including MR and HOA dues. Keep in mind that newer parts of Carmel Valley would have higher MR than the older parts. And the payoff schedule for the bonds lasts from 20-40 years (30+ in that area). If the property was built in 2003, for instance, then there would be 22+ years left on the payments. Do not automatically assume the amount of monthly MR shown on the online listing is correct. You should check it out for yourself here.
Put the address in including the suffix (st, rd, ave). Open the tax bill and study it for charges relating to a “CFD.” Add all those charges together and that is the total annual of bonds you would be expected to pay annually.
Besides the tax, you will see other charges on the bill related to the infrastructure and svcs inherent to that particular jurisdiction. ALL property owners in that jurisdiction have these items on their tax bills even if they live outside a CFD (i.e. train track maintenance, fire helicopter, trash pickup, voter-approved school construction bonds, flood control, extermination, etc).
If any Piggs have seen “MR” charges on tax bills that DO NOT indicate it is a “CFD” charge, please lend a hand here.
Also, check the homeowners association dues out with the assn itself BEFORE you make an offer and find out if any special assessments are on the horizon. Do NOT automatically assume the monthly dues shown on the listing are correct. In some cases, there could be more than one homeowner association that the property is encumbered by.