[quote=squat300]I really don’t think a gun is useful for true self defense. Have you checked out target focus training? They are true survival teachers. In real life you won’t have time to get out your gun when confronted with violence … What will ensure your survival is your will to meet violence with extreme violence with whatever is at hand even if it comes down to grabbing the dudes face and biting off his nose while he’s stabbing you By the time you draw the fights probably over if the dude intends you harm.
Gun ownership for personal defense in general is weak. Real defense involves permanently disabling the other person with hands feet teeth and the objects around you.
This is why it is a bad idea to ever fight with anyone no matter how small or weak. If you are ready to fight to the death you will have a better chance of winning than if you have a gun in a leg holster. Taking out an eyeball with a thimb for defense is a better skill than going to a shooting range.
I don’t have the stomach for posers with guns who think they are tough. Give me a quiet street fighter who will bite your face off any day.[/quote]
“So, how often do Americans use firearms for self-defense?
Criminologist Gary Kleck estimates that 2.5 million Americans use guns to defend themselves each year. Out of that number, 400,000 believe that but for their firearms, they would have been dead.
Professor Emeritus James Q. Wilson, the UCLA public policy expert, says: “We know from Census Bureau surveys that something beyond 100,000 uses of guns for self-defense occur every year. We know from smaller surveys of a commercial nature that the number may be as high as 2 1/2 or 3 million. We don’t know what the right number is, but whatever the right number is, it’s not a trivial number.”
Former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney David P. Koppel studied gun control for the Cato Institute. Citing a 1979-1985 study by the National Crime Victimization Survey, Koppel found: “When a robbery victim does not defend himself, the robber succeeds 88 percent of the time, and the victim is injured 25 percent of the time. When a victim resists with a gun, the robbery success rate falls to 30 percent, and the victim injury rate falls to 17 percent. No other response to a robbery – from drawing a knife to shouting for help to fleeing – produces such low rates of victim injury and robbery success.”
When asked if additional gun laws would be beneficial or have no effect, most Americans, like Ice-T, get it. They oppose shifting power to the criminal. And they don’t need the National Rifle Association to tell them: The only people willing to abide by additional gun laws are the law-abiding.”
I agree with you about the victim being willing and able to commit extreme violent acts in self defense, but what about a woman who’s 5’2″ vs. a man (or two) over 6′ and 200+ pounds?
Have you ever been the victim of a violent attack or a stalker? There is only ONE thing you will want at that moment: a gun (yours, or one belonging to a capable armed guard or cop).