[quote=squat250]in general in life, it’s a let down to get what you’ve wanted…
in the case of real estate, not sure that’s always true.
i am wondering if people who wait longer and look harder and save more tend to be more satisfied.
8 years has to be at the end of the waiting curve….I wouldn’t say I waited 8 years…probably more like about 5 years from the time my wife really started itching to get a place and complaining about not having one.
I would rate my satsifaction personally with homebuying ultimately as a 9.5/10.[/quote]
IIRC, you were the one who, while still bubble-sitting, mentioned that you got pickier the longer you waited. That was very much the case with us, as well.
Maybe the waiting enabled long-time bubble sitters to really hone in on what was really important to us WRT real estate. Because of waiting so long, you could look at hundreds of properties and get ideas for what you really, really want/need, vs. things that might look nice at first, but aren’t really important.
Yes, waiting longer definitely made us so much happier with our purchase. Our satisfaction rate is a 10/10. 🙂