You have to differentiate between hard-core crims (armed robbers, rapists, murderers) and people who are in jail for marijuana, being late with traffic fines, etc. The problem with Oakland isn’t that the violent thugs are in prison. It’s that not enough are in prison, or better yet, offered a decent education so they can make a life that doesn’t involve thuggery.
It’s inexcusable that this is happening a few miles from one of the wealthiest cities and tech centers of this country. What’s needed are programs that pick out the promising kids and offer them training in high-tech and software development, etc — imagine GTA XVI being coded by people who actually have experience in this :)[/quote]
Yes, they need to fully separate the violent criminals from non-violent criminals. There should be a zero-tolerance policy for violence in the “nicer,” non-violent prisons, too.
Violent criminals like these can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned.