[quote=spdrun]Why the tapdancing hell would you want a 21 lb laptop when you can get one that’s sub 4 lb and does the job? Thinkpad x201 or t2x0 series for life![/quote]As long as it has a keyboard (and not a touchscreen, like a pad) I’ll take a look at those next time I’m in a place like Best Buy, spdrun. I know there are lighter-weight choices available today which were not available in 2009/10.
My Toshiba notebook has a LOT of features for a laptop and used to run very hot (even with a gel pad under it). I’m still very happy with it and usually drive instead of fly so all I have to do is carry it into my (always ground floor) hotel room or into the house I am staying in. I’m keeping the Win 7 it came with cuz I don’t want Win 8 or 10.
My youngest kid gave me their Kindle Fire HD 9″ with a nice leather stand when they left home for college and I still find it cumbersome to use, even with a detailed instruction book :-0