[quote=spdrun]What about one of the non-Mass. New England states? Generally educated/civilized population, strong tradition of good/locally-based governance, beautiful towns and landscape, NH and VT both have unemployment rates lower than TX.
Also, look at TOTAL tax burden, not just income tax. Property taxes in TX are often much higher than CA.[/quote]
New England is awesome, I have family there and have spent a lot of time in Boston and even Vermont.
Here’s the thing: I want to be free, I want to live in Freedom.
That can’t be done in any state that is controlled by public employee unions, with massive gov’t regulation.
California and Vermont and New England in general are about the same in terms of the freedom deficit.
Now, I realize the federal government has rendered the constitution meaningless, so in a sense it doesn’t matter where you go in the U.S., but at least Texas does assert it’s independence.