[quote=spdrun]That’s why overweight SUVs lugging around 5500 lb of pigfat and with 400 hp so a soccer mooooomy can plaster her ill-behaved sprogs to the leather seats by pressing the loud pedal are impractical to own. Yep, the 5500 lb is CURB weight, not GVWR. 1500lb heavier than your average 70s or 80s American land barge. Fail.
Q7? Just call it the Audi Suburban, Canyonero, or Power Wagon. Every time I see one of those things on the road, and think back to when Audi made light, innovative, fun-to-drive cars, I want to burst into tears.[/quote]
spdrun, most of my family members in those “flyover states” still insist on driving American-made barges today. Unlike, living on the east or west coast, they have to drive daily with a LOT of comm’l trucks and it just feels safer to be surrounded by all that metal and padding. Besides, unlike those ’70’s and ’80’s barges, the *newer* models have an annoying “personality” in that they talk incessantly about EVERYTHING :-0
The Lincoln Towncar is the preferred barge of choice of my brethren back in flyover America with the Chrysler New Yorker coming in at a close second 🙂