Yep, let’s build more McHouses, rape more land, use more water, spend more energy to light and climate-control 2000 sf per person. Let the marketeers brainwash people that they actually need a 5000 sf McHouse.
Oh, and make sure that people are priced out of markets that actually have jobs, so they can have the orgasmic pleasure of commuting 2 hr each way from out in bumblefuck, sitting in a steel and glass cage that reeks of stale fast food and cola. Yep. Yep.
The goal should be affordable prices in areas that are actually livable and pleasant, not infinite expansion into the great inhospitable. Oh yeah, and FUCK the people in the construction industry. We shouldn’t base policy on preserving jobs that may or may not actually be needed — that’s what the Soviets did and it worked out really well for them.[/quote]
Couldn’t have said it any better myself …. except for one caveat. In SD County, we already DO currently have hundreds of “affordable” residential listings within 20 miles of job centers. The areas they are situated in were “affordable” decades ago and are still “affordable” now.
The problem lies with most of Gen X-Y buyers (who are entering into or still in “family-raising” mode). These prospective buyers won’t even call their agents to view the “affordable” properties, for whatever (ignorant or misinformed) reasons. They would rather all flock to a handful of zip codes out in “slightly closer-in bumblefuck” and bid up each other’s “over listed-price” offers so they can then “win” one (yay!). After “winning,” they get to bend over to pay exorbitant MR into a “soon-to-be-BK” CFD, school district and (resultant) city.
More power to them. Hope their “net worth” is such at the age of 55+ that they will be able to at least ponder the idea of “retiring” someday, lol ….
The buyers who make offers on the “affordable” homes are the people that grew up nearby or they are bought with cash by their nearby parents (so they can place their children and grandchildren in them, for proximity). The balance are purchased by investors and flippers (who aren’t now and never were “stupid,” btw).