[quote=spdrun]Ohmygahd! The kids had to WALK a bit to use the bathroom! How HORRIBLE that they got a bit of exercise! Did they die? Were they permanently maimed or suffer from PTSD from having to locomote on their own two feet with a full bladder?
As far as the “kill” story, if I had a dollar for every time someone said “I’m gonna kill…” without resorting to homicidal actions, I’d be rich now. They saw it for what it was. Not a credible threat worthy of calling in the police, so they dismissed it.
NJ does’t keep its kids in rubber coccoons. This isn’t a bad thing.
The math consultant thing sounds like basic cronyism and corruption. Don’t tell me this never, ever happens in CA.
950 kids per district, is a good thing, BTW. It avoids the creation of mega-districts where kids have to ride the bus long distances and where parents are distanced from the educational system. Three schools with a principal and assistant principal isn’t out of line. The number of custodians may be, but remember that buildings are older and weather is harsher in NJ than in CA.[/quote]
Sending kids to a school with no power is absolutely negligent per se. No water also means no sprinklers, I believe. Plus its cold and dark. People were too lazy to check the school – inexcusable.
The kid who threw blocks at mine and threatened to kill us already had a personal aide due to the inappropriateness of his behavior. I believe that they didn’t want to spend more money on him and were trying to sweep it under the rug. After I called to find out what was going on I was told that they were having a meeting about him and that he was being moved up a notch in his IEP, or whatever he had. So this was not just kids being kids – although I’m sure you probably let loose a lot of spittle as a kid, so maybe you relate.
You could cut the laziness and graft with a knife. So glad to leave.