[quote=spdrun]It should stay steady in value, at least (IMHO). People who worked should be allowed to keep their savings, not run on the fucking treadmill like hamsters their whole lives.[/quote]
Agree with this.
I don’t think we’ll see a repeat of the 70s and 80s. Why?
3. The Baby Boomers — who were the largest population bulge at that time AND who were one of the last generations to do better than the generation before them — began reached peak earning/purchasing years.
4. Women entered the workforce en masse. This brought additional purchasing power to many households (but it also increase prices and lowered wages, which has reduced purchasing power over the years…because of this, more women are now leaving the workforce)
All of those things have already pushed prices up, and we are now at a turning point where things are about to reverse (or have already started), IMO.
What do you see that will manage to not only offset these declining trends, but to reverse them altogether and push things back up? Yes, getting more money into the hands of the masses (workers and consumers, especially at the post populous levels) would help.
I sincerely hope that this happens, and I write/call/volunteer to make it happen, but still doubt that we will be able to shift the power back to “the people” anytime in the near future. People are very gradually beginning to wake up, but we have a long, long way to go. Glad to see you are more optimistic about this than I am.