If you have the trolley to go from Oceanside to downtown, you’d also greatly reduce the traffic on the I-5.
Oceanside to Union Station, SD is almost 40 miles — more of a suburban train line. Far too long to be sitting on a trolley that does at most 50 mph, probably 35-40 mph with stops. Better to dual track the existing coast line from O’side, electrify it at 25kV, and run regular electric multiple-unit railcars.
Something like a Silverliner V would work and is already approved for US rail lines…
They already have the Coaster that goes from North County to SD.
The problem is getting to and from the stations; and schedules have to become more convenient. Something the Agenda 21 folks can’t seem to wrap their heads around…that and the fact that “Smart Streets” are a complete and utter disaster. You can’t force Americans out of their cars, for the most part, and any attempts to do so will result in forceful opposition. While I applaud attempts to make mass transit more convenient (and biking safer), it’s unreasonable to expect everyone to dump their cars in favor or buses, trains, and bikes. And putting bike lanes in the middle of traffic lanes is insane.