[quote=spdrun]I disagree. Solar actually works best with a grid. A grid allows for pumped-storage hydroelectric, which is a lot cleaner and more reliable than thousands of battery banks. A grid also allows transfer of power from areas that are sunny to areas that are cloud-covered.
The goal should be to build out grids in Africa powered by clean power, whether it’s solar, wind, hydro, or modular nuclear.
Contrary to popular belief, cell phones actually require a “grid” and a lot of infrastructure. Range of digital phones is very limited, so you need a lot of antennae and terrestrial wiring to cover an area.[/quote]
Of course in best case scenario you want a grid.
I’m looking at mud hut villages that’s still burning kerosine oil for lighting. Get a few solar panels up, an used EV battery for storage, and there’s light and electricity to use when the sun goes down.
As for the cellular example, you are still looking at less wiring to go with cell tower grid vs hardwiring phone lines to individual houses.