[quote=spdrun]Except that the public is both the shareholder AND the consumer. Shareholders have the right to sanction management for ill-use of money.
By your philosophy, any amount of public waste would be acceptable and the public should just suck up and deal with it. Unacceptable.[/quote]
Not at all; I’m a taxpayer advocate. But the notion that taxpayers get to dictate everything that happens in the public sphere in asinine. Too many diametrically opposed interests there (and ignorant masses who are easily led by those who seek to corrupt the system), which would lead to even more bureaucratic nightmares and corruption. That’s why we have representative government (imperfect as it may be).
I do like your argument about the public being shareholders, but the individual shareholder of the Joe Sixpack variety has very little say in how companies are run. This is why special interest groups are formed…and we’re back to the corruption problem.