eVerify takes care of illegal’s getting jobs and will self deport. Next a change in policy to letting the border patrol do there thing should take care of the rest.
I don’t see why immigration (legal or illegal) is a big enough deal to justify expanding the surveillance state and police state. More electronic tracking of employees is the former, increased power of the Border Patrol is the latter.
The current situation is fine. Honestly, I’d rather work with quite a few illegal immigrants vs a lot of lazy-ass locally-born folk.[/quote]spd, many of them will NOT “self-deport” if they can’t get jobs. Especially if they have children who are US citizens who are enrolled in US schools (with free transportation to/from and free breakfast/lunch 5 days per wk) and their child(ren)’s other parent is collecting SNAP benefits for them and has a place to live in the US (whether under their own name or someone else’s). These workers will simply remain underground and continue to work “under the table” doing landscaping, housekeeping and other labor for individuals and sole proprietors, as they are now. Nothing will change.