[quote=spdrun]CA-Renter: the best idea would be for BOTH people in a couple to be able to stay in the workforce while having the same total working hours as a family in the 1960s. Say 60-70 hours, assuming a full-time employed husband at 40 hr and a part-time wife at 20-30 per week.
So split the difference and structure legislation to encourage more jobs to have 30-35 hr per week schedules and flexible time. Plus adequate time off to spend with family in summer or whatever.
We’d of course need health insurance and most benefits to be divorced from employment (to reduce fixed hiring costs) for this to work.[/quote]
Yes, though the working hours were lower than that in the 1960s. You and I are largely in agreement on all of this. I advocate for choice, and for every family to be able to make the decisions that best work for them. What I hate is the belief that what is right for one family should be the only acceptable option for everyone else, no matter what the costs/benefits or other considerations are for those families.