[quote=spdrun]…Injun Territory got back $1,36.[/quote]
What a lot of y’all don’t seem to realize is “Injun Territory” has no problem raising its own funds. “Indian Gaming” is the second largest “industry” in OK (after government).
Oklahoma Indian gaming is the second largest industry in the state. In 2011 revenues from Indian gaming are estimated to be $3.5 billion…
Perhaps the “Pigs in DC” are finally attempting to better subsidize the DEA/NTF in “Injun Territory” where their sparsely staffed law-enforcement departments have been fighting a losing battle over the last 15 years against those same meth mfrs whom they drove out of So Cal in the nineties. These “biz people” had to set up shop somewhere. Where better than isolated (and heavily-wooded parts of) “Injun Territory?” :-0