Sorry – What I said was uncalled for. I retract it. I don’t have an excuse but try to look at it from my perspective…
Bush vetoing the stem cell initiative really pissed me off. Again – he talks about morals – but in my opinion, he doesn’t have any.
Also – if you saw people worshiping peanut butter and jelly sandwiches – you would probably like them to keep it to themselves. I see no difference in most religious views. Other than the peanut butter actually provides sustenance. I would like people to keep their beliefs to themselves, it’s not the kind of thing I think children (mine) should be exposed to.
I apologize for calling all religious people uneducated. Without adding fuel to the fire, I do believe however that at a certain point in intellectual ability, the percentage of ‘believers’ goes way down. Just my opinion even though it’s not politically correct.