Sorry that got cut off, and I’m not sure how to display that image of one day’s electrical usage. But the upshot is that there are peaks around 9am to 12 noon when the pump is on high (speed 3) and another at about 6p.m. to 9 p.m. when everyone comes home from work/school.
Thanks for the calculations Doofrat, although, I’m not sure I understand your numbers. I assume they are for monthly use? And even then, they seem high. Perhaps you meant Wh, not KWh? My total electrical usage for May was 562 KWh.
I’m trying to add an image that shows a typical weekday use for us.
As you can see there are 2 peaks in the day. The peak starting about 9 amis when the pump is on high (speed 3). The other peak is when we come home from work/school.