I have one word for investors: BUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Kidding, of course. I think. Actually, I’m not sure, maybe folks should be buying. I have no idea.
I’ve been totally wrong about this incredible, amazing rally so really no one should listen to me. After almost 25 years of having a pretty good understanding of how financial markets work, I have come to the conclusion that my views are no longer relevant and possibly counterproductive… I simply don’t understand how markets work; today’s prices tell me so. Ha!
Cryptos (including “joke” currencies with multi-billion dollar valuations), NFTs, $30 trillion in “free” money via the Global Powers That Be, 6% (alleged) inflation vs 3% 30-year treasury rates (might be the weirdest of them all), Price/Whatever ratios (further and further) in the stratosphere… none of it makes any sense to me. But it appears to be the new reality. No amount of negative news about anything appears to crack these markets – in fact, the opposite. So, there you have it.
I wish everyone the best of luck in these strange – sorry, new normal – times.