Sorry, guys, but I, for one, won’t take the high road here.
Sure, I like to see unbiased, objective reporting of the current housing debacle. And Piggington does a first rate job of that. But, frankly, I’m also here to celebrate – put that in capital letters “CELEBRATE” – the comeuppance of ignoramuses who couldn’t control their greed. Many of these folks were CELEBRATING their own genius and purportedly “superior investment skills” not so long ago. Well, I love me some schadenfreude.
Now, as for those good folks who just slipped up and got caught up in this mess, I do not celebrate their demise. It’s unfortunate and I pity them and wish them well. But, we mustn’t forget that in most investments there are no victims, just willing participants.
But the majority of the folks currently in distress do not fall into the latter group, they fall into the former group. And they deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. Perhaps they’ll learn something that can be applied the next time around.
If that makes me a “bad person,” then so be it. I can live quite happily with that.