[quote=afx114]Does anybody have any data on how many people stay in their current job simply because of their healthcare? How much does employer-provided healthcare hinder worker mobility? Would you personally be more likely to search for a different job if your healthcare was not tied to your current employer?[/quote]
There was a good article in last week’s USN&WP covering this issue. From that article:
Most workers—about 60 percent—get their health insurance through their employers, and as health premiums have spiraled, those benefits have become highly valuable to most. Nearly a quarter of top-performing employees said healthcare benefits were one of the top three reasons they would leave an employer, and two thirds said healthcare benefits were an important reason to stay with a company, according to a 2006 Watson Wyatt study. Last year, 78 percent of finance and accounting workers surveyed by the Mergis Group viewed healthcare benefits as “most crucial to retaining them.”