Some well-bred Brits think of Americans as savages — rich and powerful savages with money and big guns, but savages nonetheless.
Also a side effect of us savagely kicking the RedCoats out of the US with our guns… 😉
Michelle is only a private citizen so she can hug the queen as friends would do.
No.. not at a public event, particularly if it was a political event. I did a little search on it.. there is a variant that makes this different. The Queen initiated it by putting her hand on Mrs Obama’s back first. This changes the picture a bit. Only thing that Michelle Obama may have done wrong is keeping her arm at the Queen’s back a little too long after the Queen removed hers. So some if it is blown out of proportion.
Cute photoshop on the Bush image.. notice that there is no shadow between the faces, but there is sunlight casting shadows on the headcovering of Abdullah. — fake