Some more statistics that are not specifically “wealth distribution” related – but interesting.
From the table that has the financial data about households WITH mortgage (the sister to the data in my previous post) Again – this is from the census, and based on San Diego county households.
median value of home with mortgage in SD County:
(compared to $479k for homes w/out mortgage)
medium household income for households with mortgage)
(compared to $48k for homes w/out mortgage)
The ratio of value to hh income was similar to the no mortgage group – 73% were a ratio of 4 or higher. (Again – I suspect housing value has more to do with this than income.)
36.7% of folks with a mortgage also have a 2nd mortgage and/or HELOC. 63.3% only have a first mortgage.
median real estate taxes paid are higher for those who pay a mortgage – implying the homes were purchased more recently. (Prop 13 effect.)